In our previous articles on the DISC, we mentioned how this useful assessment could help motivate your employees and help increase employee engagement. In our last article of the DISC series, we will be focusing on how the assessment could bolster your customer service training. The combination of customer service and the DISC not only helps employees become self-aware of their own customer service style, but also gives them the ability to adjust their style to meet the demands of the customer in various situations. This article will help you understand your customer service DISC profile, how to improve your customer service style, and how to improve customer service with other DISC styles.

The D-style Customer Service Profile: The D-style uses a more direct and assertive customer service style and prefers to be in charge while in conversation. They are result-oriented, and they apply pressure to quickly attain results. They focus on tasks, efficiency, and outcomes.
How to Improve Your Customer Service if you are a D-style: Do not pressure the client by being too aggressive. Make sure that small customers are not forgotten and make sure every client will be taken care of completely. Try to slow down your pace and get to the root of the problem.
Improving Customer Service with the D’s: If you are dealing with a D-style customer, you can improve your service by listening, asking specific questions, and matching their fast pace. Also, make sure to help them with the details to stay on track during the conversation.
The I-style Customer Service Profile: The I-style uses a friendly and outgoing customer service style. They use many hand gestures while speaking. They enjoy interaction and they communicate well by inspiring and selling the message. They focus on the positives and excel at influencing others.
How to Improve Your Customer Service if you are an I-style: Make sure you provide the customer with essential information that they need. Remember to proceed logically, and do not try to help the customer before you understand precisely what the problem is.
Improving Customer Service with the I’s: When you are dealing with an I-style customer, be friendly with them by asking for their ideas and opinions. Also, be patient while they talk and while they explain the problem to you. You could also use some testimonials during the conversation to increase their interest.
The S-style Customer Service Profile: The S-style uses a reserved but amiable customer service style. They are polite, reliable, friendly, and patient. They are great listeners and will answer customers’ questions thoroughly and calmly when asked.
How to Improve Your Customer Service if you are a S-style: Try to change your routine habits every now and then and learn to give something extra to the client. Take more control of the conversation with the customer and speak your mind when needed.
Improving Customer Service with the S’s: When dealing with an S-style, speak slow and with a sincere tone of voice. Show empathy and exhibit a friendly attitude. Ask for their ideas and opinions and explain how others will benefit.
The C-style Customer Service Profile: The C-style uses a detailed approach with lots of facts and data. They are patient while in conversation and may seem more reserved. They are diplomatic and may not see the big picture or focus on opinions or abstract matters. They spend time understanding the services or products and have an in-depth knowledge of them.
How to Improve Your Customer Service if you are a C-style: Be sure to understand the bigger picture and what each client expects from you. Remember to speak up when interacting and expressing your knowledge while communicating.
Improving Customer Service with the C’s: If you are dealing with a C-style customer, make sure you listen patiently, explain the details, and answer questions precisely. Also, make sure you are being sincere with a low tone of voice, exhibit a friendly attitude, and control your body language.
For a more detailed explanation of the customer service DISC profiles, read this article on Customer Service Training Using DISC.
Key Takeaways
Customer service is an essential training focus in all successful businesses. According to Precision Hiring, research indicates that even if there is no conflict, over 60% of all customers quit dealing with a business because of indifference on the part of some employee. This proves that customers would rather do business with another company than tolerate poor customer service. Customer service is more effective when employees have an accurate perception of their own DISC behavioral style, and the style of others. This information gives them the ability to interact effectively with customers and helps them improve their own style of communication, which may be the critical difference between success or failure in your company.
This is the last article of our three-part series on the DISC. The previous two articles, Using DISC Behavioral Styles to Motivate Employees, and How the DISC Can Help Increase Employee Engagement, go into further detail of what the DISC is, and how to use it effectively. If you are interested in learning more, we have created a brief PowerPoint presentation on the DISC that you could use in your organization. If you are interested in taking a free DISC Assessment to learn about your own style, please click the above link to be connected to one of our consultants.